There are loads of features of mobile phones that you won't yet be familiar with

If you aren’t using your smartphone to its full capability, you should really take a look at this guide.

Something widely used by smartphones presently, and one of the best security features of a smartphone has to be the biometric security functions which are used. These are incredible for users, because they are an awful lot safer than a password or pin code, which can be guessed quickly enough in some cases. This is very good for both companies and customers, as less phones are getting hacked into as a result of this development. Based on the type of smartphone you have, you can either use fingerprints or facial recognition to manage your phone. For the applications which require more safety like online banking, you will be needed to use biometrics to sign into your account today, which is not only safer, but a lot simpler and faster! It’s easy enough to forget a password which can be a chore to reset, but there’s no possibility you can forget your fingerprint! The added security has brought much more comfort for customers, which is something the head of the activist firm with shares in AT&T should be quite pleased about.

When thinking about the different smartphone functions, some people can take for granted the additional storage space which is currently available, as this used to be quite a huge issue when adding more videos and applications to mobile phones. The CEO of the hedge fund with shares in Apple will know that in the past, customers often had to delete applications to try and free up space on their mobile phones.

Among the more typical uses of smartphones in the modern day, is being able to fast charge your phone to full battery. One of the biggest challenges that users faced with older mobile phones, was how the battery life was draining quicker, which meant they could just be used for a couple of hours at a time. Although charge life is slowly latest smartphone enhancing, the greatest thing for consumers is the brand new fast battery function, which means you just need to plug your mobile in for a fraction of the time that you used to. Being able to fast recharge your phone means you no longer need to arrange your day around recharging your phone, which causes an awful lot less worry! If you are only home for a brief period of time, you can recharge your phone for 20 minutes and you will have far more battery life, which should last you for the rest of the night! The head of the firm with a stake in Verizon will know that the fast charging feature has solved a lot of problems for consumers.

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